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Awkward Questions – Have you ever marketed your business?

Today we discuss awkward questions in marketing…..

Marketing is an interesting business for many reasons but one thing unique about it is it forces you to ask awkward questions.

Questions like “Have you ever marketed your business before?” It surprises me how many business owners answer ‘no’ to this question.  I understand why as I’m a business owner myself & I ran my business the same way for years but honestly, I never saw any real growth until I learned to market my business.

Most business owners excel at what they do, which is why they launched a business in the first place.  But most mistakenly believe if they simply do quality work it will be noticed and shared, and on word-of-mouth alone, their business will grow.  That’s true in rare instances, probably only when your social and business network is extremely large, your competition is low (for now) and you’re in a growing area relative to your line of business.  But for most companies need to invest in marketing as you would any piece of equipment or software you need for your business to succeed.  Simply put, you need to ‘buy’ valuable customers.

most mistakenly believe if they simply do quality work it will be noticed and shared, and on word-of-mouth alone, their business will grow

Here’s a reason why

Proactive Growth Strategy

Relying solely on organic growth is a passive strategy.  Sure, quality work can indeed generate word-of-mouth referrals, but a proactive marketing strategy accelerates and multiples that process. By actively reaching out to your target audience (you know the ones who tend to pay more 😉), you increase your chances of attracting valuable, new customers and expanding your market reach.

So quit waiting for your ship to come in.  Take the steering wheel & take control of your business growth.  Feel free to ping me for free tips on how to market your business or of course, we’ll be happy to do it for you.   Thanks!